3-D Simulation in the lower troposphere: wind field adjustment to observational data and dispersion of air pollutant from combustion of sulphur-containing fuel
Autores:  R. Montenegro, G. Montero, J.M. Escobar, E. Rodríguez y J.M. González-Yuste.
Ocean Circulation and Pollution Control - A , Springer (29-51)  (2004).

 Resolution of sparse linear systems of equations: the rpk strategy.
Autores:  G. Montero, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar y E. Rodríguez.
Progress in Engineering Computational Technology, Cap. 5, 81-109, Saxe-Coburg Publications, ISBN 1-874672-22-9, Stirling, Scotland (2004).
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 Generación automática de mallas tridimensionales para la simulación de procesos medioambientales.
Autores:  R. Montenegro.
Sociedad, Ciencia, Tecnología y Matemáticas, 269-282, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna, ISBN 84-7756-555-4 (2004).

  Lanczos strategies for the transient linear wave equation .
Autores:   E. Rodríguez y G. Montero .
The Best of 2000 Conferences, AMSE  (33-42)  (2002).

  Does the ordering affect to sparse approximate inverse preconditioners?
Autores:   E. Flórez, M.D. García, L. González y G. Montero .
The Best of 2000 Conferences, AMSE  (43-52)  (2002).

 Some aspects of unstructured simplex mesh generation and refinement.
Autores:  R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar, A. Plaza, L. Ferragut y G.F. Carey.
Computational Methods and Neural Networks, 129-166, Dynamic Publ., Inc., ISBN 0-9640398-6-9, Atlanta, USA (2000).

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